Thursday, December 26, 2013

Battery Equality Monitor

Almost all 24V power systems in trucks, 4WDs, RVs, boats, etc, employ two series-connected 12V lead-acid batteries. The charging system can only maintain the sum of the individual battery voltages. If one battery is failing, this circuit will light a LED. Hence impending battery problems can be forecast. The circuit works by detecting a voltage difference between the two series connected 12V batteries. Idle current is low enough to allow the unit to be permanently left across the batteries.

Battery Equality Monitor Circuit Diagram



R1 = 2.K
R2 = 4.7K
R3 = 39K
R4 = 39K
R5 = 1.5K
R6 = 1.5K
Q1 = BC547
Q2 = BC547
Q3 = BC557
D1 = 3mm Red LED
D2 = 3mm GreenLED
B1 = DC 12 Volt
B2 = DC 12 Volt

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